Business Information

Finds basic information about a business.

Full Background Check

Most thorough report there is on a business.

Verify Information

Verifies information entered. Does not find new information.

Verify Information & Check For ID Theft/Fraudulent Use Of Information

Verifies information (does not find new information) & shows risk of ID theft/fraudulent use of business information.

Corporate Filings

Finds information about a company’s corporate filings.

*Information only. Does not include actual copies of the filings.

UCC Filings

Finds information about a company’s commercial lien filings.


Searches for bankruptcy information for a business.

Civil Court

Searches for information from civil court records.

Lien & Judgement

Searches for information about civil, evictions, state/federal tax liens, and small claims.

Link Businesses And/Or People Together

Links multiple businesses and/or people together.

General News Stories 

Searches for general news stories about or that mention a business.

Negative News Stories 

Searches for negative news stories about or that mention a business.

Retrieve Local Court Records

Retrieves court records from local Colorado courts.

Retrieve Non-Local Court Records

Retrieves court records from anywhere in the country.

Locate A Business Owner

Locates personal information that may lead to locating an owner of a business.


All rush orders include a 50% inconvenience fee.


All services and sales contracted with Aegemis shall be construed, governed, interpreted, applied, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the county of El Paso in the state of Colorado, without giving effect to any principles regarding conflict of laws.